Curriculum and Instruction
What is our instructional model?
We are beginning with Phase 4, which is remote for all students and the opening of our Remote Learning Center for identified students.
Will there be a daily schedule for my child?
During Remote Learning there is a set schedule for each grade level. Specific details will come from classroom teachers.

What is a Remote Learning Center (RLC)?
Remote Learning Centers (RLC) provide childcare and a safe, supervised space for students to focus on and complete their remote learning assignments. Please note that this service is only for students registered and attending one of our schools.
The program will run 8:30 am-3:00 pm five days a week. No busing will be provided and parents will be responsible for transportation to and from the RLC.
Remote Learning Centers (RLC) will be housed in identified schools that may or may not be the home school your child regularly attends. Please note that the RLC is NOT staffed by teachers and there will not be direct instruction provided, in person, by a certified teacher.
How will grading look this year?
There will be traditional grading during all phases of our models this year.
Will there be formal assessments?
Yes and this will look different based on the grade level of your child and the subject area. Some assessments will be online and if safe some will be administered in person. Assessments may be performance based or task oriented as well. The NJDOE has not released its standardized testing calendar yet.
Will there be a music program?
General music classes will continue as part of your child’s schedule. This includes lessons for instruments. Middle School before school ensembles will not meet at this time.
When will the Hybrid model begin?
The Hybrid model will begin when it is safe to have more students in our school buildings.
What is the Hybrid model?
Details on our instructional models.
How will we know when we are entering new phases of the model?
The Superintendent will continue to provide updates. You will have at least two weeks notice before we enter the Phase 3 Hybrid model.
General Information
When is the first day of school for students?
The district calendar has been updated. The first day of school will be Tuesday, September 8, 2020. Instruction will be virtual. Schools will send home links for attending sessions on the first day!
Will there be orientations for students changing schools?
These are being planned for Kindergarten, Sixth Grade, and Freshmen. Watch for details from your school.
Will there be school clubs?
At the high school and middle school level plans are being developed for virtual options.
Will the athletic programs run?
Currently high school is in Phase 1 one which is strength and conditioning.
Middle school has not started and is being considered at this time. Watch for more information.
Will I be able to change my decision for my student to switch from the Hybrid model to the Virtual model at any time?
When preparations for the Hybrid model are shared, you will be able to choose to continue with virtual instruction.
Will I be able to change my decision for my student to switch from the Virtual model to the Hybrid model at any time?
Once you have chosen virtual and the decision is made to move to hybrid you are not going to easily be able to change your choice. This is due to social distancing parameters and the number of seats available per class.
Health and Safety
Please keep in mind that these questions are applicable only when physically attending a school site.
Will students and staff be required to wear masks?
Yes, cloth mask coverings are required. You should choose your preferred mask which you are comfortable wearing for extended periods of time. If you do not have one, one will be provided.
What if my child is unable to wear a mask?
Masks will not be required if medically impossible. In addition, IEPs may be updated if there is a documented reason why wearing a mask is not feasible.
How have cleaning and sanitization protocols changed?
Increased cleaning of touchpoints (light switches, door handles).
Restrooms will be cleaned throughout hours of operation.
Additional hand sanitizers have been installed throughout our buildings, including classrooms.
Do the air ventilation systems meet CDC guidelines? During recent upgrades, ionizing scrubbers were installed that takes and kills the 99.9 percent of everything going through it.
Will there be temperature checks?
The district mandates that all parents take their child's temperature in the AM before they leave for school. Parents are required to document this information on the Student Health Screening every single day the child is in school. Any child who has a temp as documented in the AM Student Health Screening is denied access to school. Then we are performing a 2nd temperature check at lunch time as a follow up check.
Will there be a screening form to complete before the school day begins?
Yes, for students attending school in person there will be a daily health screening electronic form.
What happens if a student or teacher has been confirmed with Covid?
We will work with our District Safety Specialist and the local Health Department to follow contact tracing protocols that protect the individual’s privacy. When there is a confirmed case, classes and students will be required to quarantine.
What happens if my child shows Covid symptoms upon arrival to school or during the school day?
Students with Covid symptoms will be isolated from others and parents will be required to pick-up immediately. Students will not be allowed to return to school in person for ten calendar days.
Will students be tested for Covid?
Not at this time. However, we are investigating the possibility for high profile populations.