District Weekly News

Friday Folder Webpages

Our K-8 schools post communications on their Friday Folder webpages for parents and guardians. These communications could include information/announcements from the principal and school as well as opportunities and information from community organizations (i.e., recreation, scouting, sports, etc.). Materials that are sensitive in nature (e.g., class trip permission slips) are sent home via hard copy. There may be instances - such as health-related updates - that require more than one communication to be sent out each week.

K-8 parents and guardians will receive a reminder email each week to check their child's school's Friday Folder webpage. These emails will be sent to the address you have listed in Genesis Parent Portal under the "Contacts" tab. Please make sure you have checked both "Emergency" as well as "Non Emergency" while you are updating your email addresses in Genesis Parent Portal.