Coronavirus Update Apr 9, 2020
Dear South Brunswick Families,
I am guessing the typical, “Have a wonderful Spring Break and enjoy....” probably isn’t the best
lead idea into this letter. So, I will try this one, “In unprecedented times of stay at home orders,
homeschooling and concerns of health and safety lurking around every corner, I am choosing to
reflect on what we have all accomplished. In times of distress and crisis, you can choose to let it
win, or you can choose to rise up and the South Brunswick Community rose up and did so in a
big way!”
Our District literally flipped the classroom from school to home in about 48 hours. That was
impressive. The next part though is that so did you! Your home was not designed to be a “mini
school” just as much as a teacher’s home was not designed to be a “mini classroom”. But you did
it and over the next week, even though trips may have been cancelled and the kids cannot go out
and play as normal, take solace in what has been accomplished and while none of this is ideal or
desired, the District and your family have been amazing. Kudos to our students for plugging
away and showing the resilience of champions.
What remains ahead for the rest of this school year is still unknown. We have the same questions
as you as to whether we will be returning this school year. As of right now, this decision rests
with the Governor. At this time, there has been no change to his order of school closure, and he
reiterated the other day that the question of any return to school would be considered again on
April 17th. Know that we will continue to keep wide open communication on all things related to
school closure and potential reopening. As for now we go on Spring Break beginning
tomorrow, Friday, April 10th and we are slated to pick up remote learning again on
Monday, April 20th.
While this is not the Spring Break we had hoped for, it is a time to relax and recharge, so please
find ways to enjoy this time and break from our current homeschooling virtual reality. Here are
some important notices:
- Sharing of Photos – Please be mindful that when you take pictures of your students
during remote learning that the pictures cannot contain other students nor teachers in the
photos. Photos that you post can only contain your child in the picture. Screenshots of
your child with other students and/or teachers cannot be posted on social media. With
regard to FERPA privacy regulations, please note that lessons cannot be recorded while
they are being taught online.
- While we hope that this break will give all a much needed rest, we ask that you continue
to maintain social distancing. As you have recently heard on the news, the CDC
recommends the use of masks by everyone when you go out in public as an added
protection to help stop the spread of this virus. We wanted to share with you the
following link with regard to how to significantly slow the spread of the coronavirus
wearing facemasks. The premise behind this is “I protect you, you protect me”. Please
click on the following link:
- Lastly, the South Brunswick Window Safari is an opportunity for family members of
all ages to connect with each other from a safe distance. We ask SBSD families to put a
stuffed animal of any kind in your windows by Friday, April 10th. Please click here for more details.
On behalf of the South Brunswick School District, thank you for your patience, your continued
support and for your continued praise of our staff. We offer the same back to you and want you
to know that you are also doing an incredible job and when this is over, we will look back and
identify our strong lessons learned that will make us all better in the future of South Brunswick
Be well, be safe and be proud to be a SB family,
Coronavirus Update Apr 3, 2020
Dear South Brunswick School Community,
I am reaching out to provide clarity on the plans moving forward for
Spring Break. Without question, a break is needed by all, inclusive of
our newly “hired” homeschooling parents :). Please take this time to
focus on family and yourselves. Here is how we are approaching Spring
Break this year:
First, we are now under the direction of the
Governor when it comes to schools reopening. At this time, Governor
Murphy has closed schools for the immediate future and stated that he
will not be revisiting this decision until April 17th (at the end of our
scheduled Spring Break). Without knowing if we will reopen schools this
year, we will maintain our spring break, with only one small
Spring Break will run from Friday, April 10th - Friday April 17th.
Thursday, April 9th will be designed as a fun day
(The specific design for each level coming to you soon)
Should by Wednesday, April 8th,
Governor Murphy close schools for the remainder of the year, Spring
Break would immediately be revisited and may be further adjusted.
While there is still a chance to return to
school this year, we are holding out hope of having as many in-person
days of school as possible. Keeping Spring Break as planned provides
this opportunity. All we can do now is hope to be able to celebrate the
traditions we all look forward to including HS Graduation and all of the
end-of-the-year celebrations in our schools. I will say this...anything
that is possible to maintain, will be done! That is my promise to this
Thank you all for what you are doing to support your children in
these challenging times. Be well, be safe and please, please - keep
social distances.
Scott Feder
Superintendent of Schools
Coronavirus Update Apr 2, 2020
Dear South Brunswick Families,
It has come to our attention that our school playgrounds, tracks and
fields are still being used by the community. Please remember that ALL
areas of school property remain closed to the public during this
pandemic. This includes our athletic fields, running tracks, tennis
courts, playgrounds, walking paths and parking lots. Anyone found on
school property may be charged with trespassing during this time of
social distancing. I know this all sounds a bit extreme, but we must
enforce this and be part of the solution regarding our current
situation. Our schools and all school grounds are closed and not open to
the public for use.
I cannot reiterate enough how important it is for everyone to adhere
to the direction of the Governor and health officials. Keep in mind
that there are concerns that the coronavirus can remain on hard surfaces
for an undetermined amount of time. For everyone’s safety, you must
stay off of school property.
We understand with the nice weather coming and
spring break approaching how families might be tempted to use our
playgrounds, tracks and fields. We are reminding all that this is not an
option and urge you to maintain social distancing. Again, this all
seems harsh, but it is something we must enforce at this time. We all
await the time when things are back to normal and our children and all
of us adults are out and about enjoying the season.
Thank you and stay safe South Brunswick!
Scott Feder
Superintendent of Schools
Coronavirus Update Apr 1, 2020
Dear South Brunswick Families,
Below you will find a link to a student grading document for your child's grade level. Our
remote grading practices assume we will be out of school for the duration. However, should we
learn that the return date is much sooner, we may re-evaluate. As such, these grading practices
are based on our current remote learning reality.
With the issues surrounding reliability, fidelity and equity too great to overcome, these grading
models allow for flexibility and an ease away from the “grade” and hopefully reduced stress for
all. Teachers will make sure their students fully understand the expectations as we go into the
final reporting period of the year. A great deal of effort and thought has been put into designing
the most meaningful approach to grading as we all find ourselves isolated, uncertain and learning
in a platform that is like nothing we have done before. Traditional grades will not be the
dominating factor as we all settle into our new normal, to which there is no known end-date.
Please note that student placement discussions are ongoing and more information will be
forthcoming in the coming weeks. Teachers do not have answers regarding placement, so please
hold questions at this time. More information will be shared in the coming weeks.
If you do have questions regarding grading, please reach out to your building principal or feel
free to email me directly.
Please click your link for further details.
Thank you.
Scott Feder
Superintendent of Schools
Coronavirus Update Mar 27, 2020
Good Morning Families,
We hope that you have enjoyed your week and that your students are enjoying their virtual field
day in the elementary and middle schools. I am writing because I wanted to share with you that
the governor announced yesterday that schools statewide will remain closed for the foreseeable
future, and that he “will not revisit this question until at least April 17.” We wanted to share this
with you so that you can plan accordingly.
Governor Murphy continued to urge residents to follow the statewide stay-at-home order, saying,
“Please think of others across our state, let alone within your own family, whose lives depend on
you doing the smart thing, or the right thing.” As we approach the weekend, I too ask that you
please follow the social distancing guidelines so that we may all stay healthy and safe and move
on from this pandemic. As you may have read, yesterday we were able to assist in fighting this
pandemic by donating to the Office of Emergency Management surgical supplies that are much
Lastly, the Department of Education asked us to share the following information with our
families in reference to childcare availability for essential employees around the state. Please
click on the following link to view this important information:
As we receive updates, we will share out with our school community accordingly. We are in the
process of finalizing some parameters and adjustment for the prolonged future of remote
learning. You will be hearing more about this shortly.
Stay well South Brunswick!
Scott Feder
Superintendent of Schools
Coronavirus Update Mar 24, 2020
Good Day Families,
I hope that the start of this week finds everyone well and settling
into the new “normal” of remote learning. The Governor announced today
in his daily briefing that schools will be closed indefinitely until
further notice. We will, of course, keep you informed as we receive
updates, but I would plan on maintaining this closure until at least
spring break.
Please know that we are working diligently to get you the answers that you need. With regard to State testing:
Murphy has announced that New Jersey has applied for a federal waiver
to cancel all New Jersey standardized testing for students. Clarifying
the move, the Governor noted that cancellation of the exams "will not
impact the graduation requirements of any student." The testing window
for the New Jersey Student Learning Assessments for grades 3 through 10
was scheduled to start on April 20.
We received information today that the NJ Mental
Health Cares, the state’s behavioral health information and referral
service, will now also offer help to people dealing with anxiety and
worry related to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. New
Jerseyans can call 1-866-202-HELP (4357) for free, confidential support.
NJ Mental Health Cares will be answered from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. seven
days a week by live trained specialists. For the latest medical
information, including mental health guidance and tips, visit the
Centers for Disease Control’s website:
Lastly, I believe we all have finally realized the extent and
necessity of Social Distancing. This applies to adults and students
alike. While it is painful to be living in this manner, it is our new
normal for hopefully only a short period. Parents, you must help and
make sure your children are not gathering in groups. While this goes
against everything we know, it is what is needed now. Here is one
student's take on quarantine. My Eighth Grade Year Cut Short.
Be well South Brunswick!
Scott Feder Superintendent of Schools
Coronavirus Update Mar 22, 2020
Dear Families,
As we enter our 2nd full week of remote learning, I want to thank you for completing the survey as it has
helped to inform on what adaptations you are looking for going forward, as we must assume remote
learning will be the new normal for the immediate future. We had over 2,600 responses from families and
will be using those ideas to redesign things for the week of the 30th.
For this week, we are following through with our initial 10-day plan, which will end this Wednesday. We
are looking at Thursday and Friday to be two special days for students. Our teams are working on this
during the week to help shake things up a bit as we transition into the next week with our new framework.
More to come this week :)
I wanted to share some common themes from the surveys:
● Kids miss their teachers
● Parents miss their child’s teachers EVEN MORE :)
● Kids like the novelty of learning from home
● Parents REALLY MISS their child’s teachers!!
● Kids ask their parents for help a lot more than usual
● Parents REALLY, REALLY, MISS their child’s teachers
● Kids are not sure about whether they want this to go on longer
● Parents
have never known anything with more emphatic belief than how much they
REALLY, REALLY, REALLY MISS their child’s teachers!!!!
Beginning Monday, March 30th we start with the new plan which will be in your hands by this Thursday
or Friday. We will take this week to outline the new plan that will take into account the learning from the
surveys from you, the students and staff. I can say that means a definite focus on reducing stress for
I believe this Twitter post says it all about just how amazing our staff has been, and it puts in perspective
the magnitude of what they accomplished basically overnight! This post captures our reality, our
resilience and just how amazing the South Brunswick staff truly is!
From Twitter

We wanted to also share with you a few other points of interest:
● Governor Murphy recently announced the launch of a New Jersey
COVID-19 Information Hub, which is a new, visitor-friendly website
available at The New Jersey COVID-19
Information Hub provides New Jerseyans with the most up-to-date information about COVID-19
and the State's response, including information about services such as food assistance and small
business assistance. Please click here to read the Joint Information Center Media Release.
● It is important for students and adults alike to connect with their friends and classmates online
during this time of social distancing. The following are some options for both students and
○ How to Host a Virtual Zoom Playdate When Kids Are Stuck Indoors
○ 5 Ways to connect with friends and family while social distancing
● Our Student Services team has created the following link with “Resources and Supports for
Students, Families and Staff” which shares some helpful resources that can help everyone during
this time.
Have a restful evening South Brunswick and stay safe.
This is Scott Feder signing off on this Remote Learning update!
Scott Feder
Superintendent of Schools
Coronavirus Update Mar 19, 2020
Date: March 19, 2020
To: The South Brunswick Community
From: Scott Feder, Superintendent of Schools
Subject: Children should stay off of School Property
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that children and teens should be
discouraged from gathering in public places, which includes playgrounds to help slow the spread
of COVID-19 in the community. Please note that playgrounds, tennis courts, and fields, can all
be places where lots of children (and adults) congregate, making it hard to keep social distance.
Being outdoors is not necessarily discouraged, however, all should avoid large congregations of
children and parents. Playground equipment can potentially be contaminated, particularly if used
by large numbers of children.
We ask that you speak with your children and share with them that they are to stay off of school
property while all buildings are closed and remind them that this includes all playgrounds,
tennis courts and fields.
Thank you for your continued support.
Scott Feder
Superintendent of Schools
Coronavirus Update Mar 16, 2020
Dear Families,
By now you may already be aware that Governor Murphy has made the decision to close schools for the next two weeks. While that is now in the books, he did not provide an exact end date. As such, I strongly encourage you to prepare for longer than two weeks. While nothing is set in stone, I would plan for us being out of school and vested in remote learning at least until Spring Break. Again, this is not firm, I am just encouraging everyone to plan ahead.
Along with this information, The Governor added other restrictions and guidance in his latest Executive Order
Today we held day 3 of remote learning. We are also learning everyday about what works and we are making adjustments regularly and adding some cool ideas for both the students and the families. A survey is coming out this week so we can learn more from all of you.
As always, the public should continue to call the 24/7 COVID-19 hotline: 1-800-222-1222 or 1- 800-962-1253 if using a non-NJ cell phone. However, please note that the public hotline cannot provide information about where or how to get tested, testing results, or provide personal medical advice. This is an important thing to note, as on social media some are still directing individuals to contact the hotline about testing. It remains that any individuals concerned about whether or not they should be tested or fear they may already have COVID-19 should CONTACT THEIR PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN FIRST.
As previously mentioned, the Board of Education meeting that was scheduled for this evening will now be held virtually on Thursday, March 19th. You will be receiving more information shortly on how to view.
Please know that even though we are working remotely, we are all still here for you. Just leave a voicemail at any of our extensions and we will call you back within a reasonable amount of time. You can also always send us an email.
The district has taken the greatest steps it can take to promote social distancing. It is now up to you.

Coronavirus Update Mar 14, 2020
Dear South Brunswick Families,
Without question these have been trying times and some of the most
challenging situations many of us have ever faced. With the announcement
that we had a potential confirmed case in the school, it certainly
caused a different layer of concern as at that time it became real for
us all. The reality is that this is real for everyone and there is every
sign that all towns will soon have 1 or more cases. It is important to
realize that the District took immediate action at the first sign of a
potential case. The first time the two residents had heard they may have
been exposed was Tuesday evening March 10th. The Board of Education
took immediate action and precaution and closed schools beginning
Wednesday to mitigate exposure. This has proven to be the right
Saturday afternoon, the Middlesex County Department of Health notified
South Brunswick Office of Emergency Management that two Township
residents tested positive for the COVID-19 Coronavirus. The two
residents had worked at a private party in Princeton on February 29th
where they became exposed to the virus. One resident attends South
Brunswick High School. Both residents are recovering at home where they
remain under home-quarantine. At this time, the Middlesex County Health
Department is leading the investigation in the case and is the agency
responsible for additional notifications. And, as per the County Health
Department, names, addresses and personal identifying information of
patients cannot be released or shared with the community.
There are currently at least 69 cases in New Jersey. Nearly all of
the communities surrounding our Township are reporting positive cases or
people being monitored. While the exact numbers of positive test
results will change, residents should monitor themselves for any
symptoms related to the virus. They include fever, cough, and shortness
of breath.
are currently working with the Health Department and the Office of
Emergency Management (OEM), as well as awaiting further direction from
the Governor, to determine if we need to extend the amount of time that
we will have schools closed.
We are all reminded to maintain the following health and hygiene behaviors:
- Wash
hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds each time.
Soap and water are preferred to hand sanitizer, and are usually more
readily available.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are ill.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
- Do not reuse tissues after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose.
- Clean and disinfect surfaces that are frequently touched.
- Stay home when you are sick.
will be provided as they become available. If the general public has
questions regarding the Coronavirus, please contact the New Jersey
Department of Health Hotline at 800-222-1222. We have been sharing all
along information regarding COVID-19. Please go to this link to read
about the symptoms of the coronavirus and click here for information if
you are sick.
way we move forward now, is to know that we are dealing with a true
pandemic and we must all take care of ourselves and each other. We are a
strong community and one that will withstand the additional challenges
that will be upon us in the coming weeks.

Coronavirus Update Mar 13, 2020
Dear South Brunswick Families,
South Brunswick Schools will continue remote learning and the buildings
will be closed from Monday, March 16th - Friday, March 20th. The
District closure includes all after-school activities, trips, athletics,
PTO and Education Foundation events. This decision was made after
thoughtful consultation with our partner state agencies and further
information regarding the Governor’s plans shared today at his 2:00 pm
press conference, where he shared that school closures are just days
our initial decision to close was based on an individual case (which we
still have no new information -when new information is available, I
will be sending a separate communication) looking ahead, this decision
is being done as a preventative measure to enforce social distancing.
The Governor, after shutting down any events or gatherings that would
have more than 250 people has also made it clear that this move is
important and in his thinking only days away from becoming a necessary
reality. He wrote this on the importance of social distancing,
measures are being taken as part of our coordinated response to the
continued outbreak and to aggressively mitigate the spread of the virus.
Our frontline efforts right now must be to aggressively mitigate the
potential for exposure and further spread. We are taking this step
because social distancing works. It is our best chance to ‘flatten the
curve’ and mitigate the chance of rapid spread, so we can respond to
this public health emergency in an even more focused manner.”
behalf of the entire district we cannot thank you enough for your
patience and understanding during these challenging times. Right now
things are moving and shaking at rapid speeds. What seems right in one
breath, is clearly wrong in the next. Information is evolving, confusing
and coming at exponential rates.
we have completed our second day of remote learning today, even though
we are thrilled with the student engagement and the extensive positive
feedback, we know an elongated version will be taxing on families. It is
our goal to continue making this model seamless and productive for your
children. Further, since this is now a more extensive timeframe, we
have spent additional time building out more inclusive opportunities to
address the needs of targeted groups.
we continue with remote learning past next week, we will be prepared to
support your children and be the consistent and dedicated “Rock” you
have grown to expect from the South Brunswick School District. In just 3
days, our staff launched a powerful remote learning model, proving that
we have the ability and passion to do what is needed for our students,
families, and community.
SBSD will plow forward and continue to build out a model of remote
learning in the event that this is the best way to keep our community
safe for the next few weeks. Know that we understand the hardship and
our schools will be manned and available to provide answers and support.
These remain unprecedented times, and preparation for what is possible
is all of our responsibility. I am so proud of our kids, families and
our staff for an amazing couple of days.

Coronavirus Update #2 Mar 11, 2020
Dear South Brunswick Families,
Today has been a different kind of day for sure in South Brunswick.
No school for a “snow day” but no snow to be found. What I can share is
that this has been a very eventful day in the district. I recently
shared with you that we were closing due to information we had on an
exposure to COVID-19. I would like to expand on this, which will help
you better understand today’s decision and the decision that we are
implementing for the next two days; REMOTE LEARNING!
Late last night we learned of the potential exposure of two of our
residents. The situation continues to evolve as two members of the South
Brunswick community are currently being evaluated for COVID-19. The two
people include a SBHS student and an adult in the community. Both of
these residents are under self-quarantine and being monitored closely by
the health department. To add context, a few weeks ago, these
individuals were at an event in Princeton that was associated with 5
other presumptive positive cases. Obviously, this gave us pause and
remains an important element to our decision making. While the SB
residents have not been cleared or found to be positive, precautions
remain a priority. Remote learning allows us to maintain continuity,
provides for instruction and will be a model of what is possible in
today’s technological age, while keeping our community operating
the next two days we will implement our remote learning plans! Our
expectation for student participation is 4 hours of learning each day.
Families will receive an email from your principal regarding specifics
to your learning materials and expectations. We understand that all
students may access and complete their remote learning at different
times of the day. We will communicate the availability of all staff for
student learning support shortly. Here are a few details to get you
- Please
know that for middle and high school, learning will be directly through
Google Classroom and teachers will provide instruction and
assignments. For middle and high school students, we have a limited
number of Chromebooks available, as per need determined in advance
through collaboration with building administrators. Distribution will be
one per household for identified families. Below is the schedule for
Chromebook pick up from the student’s school. The parent/guardian must
sign an agreement form in order to receive a Chromebook. If you have any
concerns, please reach out directly to the school administration.
For Middle and High School Identified Families Only
Chromebook Pick up Schedule
Location (Student’s School)
HS Reception Area
XN Main Office
XS Reception Area
- For
Elementary students, a Google site will be accessible with lessons and
activities for students to complete. A separate letter guiding you to
the specific link for remote learning will be sent to you via School
Messenger by your building principal. If elementary students do not have
a device, a paper copy of all the lessons will be available for pick up
at your child’s school beginning tomorrow morning.
- Student
attendance will be recorded each day during the remote learning period.
If your child is ill and unable to participate, please use your regular
procedures for reporting an absence. We prefer you use the Genesis Parent Portal to report an absence. You may also call your child’s school and leave a message with details about your child’s absence.
know that we will be evaluating this model as well as the COVID-19
progression and will make a decision about next steps for the following
This is Scott Feder signing off on this important health and safety update.
Coronavirus Update Mar 11, 2020
Dear South Brunswick Families,
we all know, the concerns over COVID-19 continue to grow around the
world and of course right here in South Brunswick. Late last night, we
received information that suggests there may be an exposure in South
Brunswick. While we await further information on this evolving
situation, we will be closing the schools to ensure we are being as safe
as we can be for our community. We are working hand in hand with the
police and health department to get the best information available and
they just need more time, therefore the closure gives us this in a safe
this time, this day WILL NOT COUNT so we will not be employing remote
learning. Rather, this day will be akin to a traditional snow day where
the schools are closed and we will need to make up the day. This means
the plans we worked on on Monday WILL NOT be going into effect today. As
I had previously shared, the reason behind this is that for a day to be
counted, the health department needs to make the recommendation to
close the schools. As the information is still preliminary, the health
department has not made such a determination. Instead, we will be
closing the schools as a precaution until we learn more and get final
word from our health department. This is definitely one of those
occasions where being more safe than sorry is a necessity. We will use
this time wisely in sanitizing and disinfecting our schools.
soon as we learn more information or receive confirmations one way or
the other we will be back in touch. As an added precaution, we are
requesting that you follow these protocols:
- Refrain from student gatherings
- Remain vigilant in hand hygiene
- While
this is not a quarantine, better to err on the side of caution and
remain home. A great time to catch up on a binge TV show.
- Go to these sites for information and best practice and recommendations from the experts:
o NJ Department of Health Coronavirus Fact Sheet
o NJ Department of Health Coronavirus Webpage
o CDC Coronavirus Frequently Asked Questions
o CDC Coronavirus Guidance for Prevention
o WHO Coronavirus Information
Thank you,
This is Scott Feder signing off on this VERY important health and safety update
Coronavirus Update Mar 10, 2020
Dear South Brunswick Families,
As I am sure you are aware, the information surrounding the
Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been in constant flux. Last night, the
Governor declared a state of emergency and the CDC continues to provide
updated guidance to schools, healthcare professionals and the public.
Please know that a “State of Emergency” does not equate to school
closure. One of the main pieces of guidance from both the CDC and the
Department of Education was to prepare for the possibility of a “school
dismissal”. This refers to the schools being closed, but maintaining
student learning. This was our primary reason behind having an early
dismissal yesterday. Please read the following important updates on
yesterday, as well as other related topics:
Yesterday we took a final step in the full build out of the
educational learning that will be in place in the event of a “school
dismissal”. The day was quite successful. The teacher and administrative
teams designed high level plans and learning experiences that will be
put into place should remote learning be directed by the Departments of
Education & Health. In other words, if we are closed due to a
directive by the State, we will institute the plans developed yesterday
to ensure quality learning continues and the days of school count
towards our statutory 180 days. You will learn more about the specific
educational plans from your child’s schools if the need arises, but here
are answers to some questions you may have about remote learning:
- How many hours will my child be expected to learn from home each day?
- There is little guidance on this from the State, however
we have planned for daily instruction to be 4 hours per day which meets
the requirements for a counted half day of instruction.
- Will my child’s teacher communicate with me or my child while they are learning from home?
- We have developed the plan for two-way communication so
that you will have access to school personnel throughout any school
closures of this nature. This will include teachers and support staff.
- Will attendance be taken if my child is learning from home?
- Attendance will be important and counted. The specifics
on the mechanism of this will depend on your child’s level, but all
students will be expected to be “present” for learning.
- How will you address specific programs like special education and ELL?
- We have developed plans for these programs to continue
remotely and teachers will communicate with students and families
- I have heard that free and reduced meal programs will continue if students are will this be addressed?
- We are currently working out the specifics of how we
will maintain meals for our students who currently receive lunch from
the district through the Federal meal program. More to come on this.
If you have a question about the school, I strongly encourage you to AVOID social media
and instead read our communications. If you still have questions,
please email the person best suited to respond and always start with
your child’s teacher if appropriate.
- The information on social media is far more often incorrect,
than correct and using that as your primary source of information about
school matters could be detrimental, misleading and ultimately could
cause confusion that will impact decisions.
- The school will keep you updated on school matters, but the
CDC or NJDOH are places to frequent if you want up to date guidance from
credible sources:
Due to COVID-19 concerns, we have and are continuing to amplify our cleaning in the following manner:
- Rooms, surfaces, and touchpoints are being disinfected every
evening. Our night crews know that the first order of business each
night is to disinfect all surfaces.
- Computer wipes have been ordered (coming by end of the
week). These will be used daily to clean keyboards. (Note that supplies
even for schools are scarce and we are unable to get as much of anything
as we would like).
- Soap dispensers are being checked regularly to ensure that they are both properly functioning and have soap.
Helping us help all of our children
- Keep your child home if they have been in close contact with
anyone with flu-like symptoms. Call your doctor immediately for further
- Communicate to the school if your child or a person living
in your home has traveled and returned from outside of the country.
Please visit this site to find out if you are traveling or have traveled
to a high risk area.
- Communicate to the school if your child or a person living
in your home has traveled and returned from outside of the country.
Please visit this site to find out if you are traveling or have traveled
to a high risk area.
- If you are looking for a child friendly resource to educate your child on COVID-19, you might check out this link.
As mentioned last week, we are being proactive
on all currently scheduled field trips. Each trip will be handled on a
case by case basis. Previously mentioned, if a trip were to be
canceled, we will give our best effort for reimbursement, however this
may not be possible. You will be notified by your child’s school if a
trip is going to be canceled or rescheduled. Additionally, we are
continuing to monitor all large events and following the guidance from
the CDC.
With Spring Break approaching, we are seeking
advice from the CDC and the health department for guidelines for
families that are traveling to areas of increased risk of transmission
of COVID-19. Please stay tuned for more information.
As always, thank you for your patience and support. Better times ahead!
This is Scott Feder signing off on this important health and safety update.
Coronavirus Update Mar 5, 2020
With the recently
elevated discussion regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the news,
we want you to know that as always, we are closely monitoring the
situation and taking guidance from the New Jersey Department of Health
and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There is currently no recommendation to close schools in our area. However, we have been asked by the Department of Education to act with a precautionary set of protocols and to develop a plan should it become necessary for school closure where the day would still
count as a school day for students. This is called “school dismissal”
meaning that school is closed, but students would still maintain
learning in one form or another.
It is important to be prepared and doing so does not correlate to
increased concern, but not being prepared is simply irresponsible and we
will always err on the side of caution over irresponsibility. Plus, we
hope that having plans like this in place will one day be considered an
alternative to snow days. In order to prepare for this, we will have an early release day on Monday, March 9th
so that we can develop strong and meaningful plans for your children in
the event of “school dismissal”. If this should become necessary, you
will learn more specifics from your school and teachers. We are also planning to use this time for additional disinfecting of all of our buildings and school buses. The after school program will operate as it normally does on an early release day on Monday.
As always, the students and staff of South Brunswick are our number
one priority and we want to do what is right for our students and be
prepared should a “school dismissal” become necessary. As always, we
will send important updates as necessary and no less than weekly, but
please remember to go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for any questions that you have concerning the Coronavirus and also check our website for updated information.
Thank you and again, as a best practice for overall health and
influenza season please review the recommendations by the CDC to help
prevent the spread of respiratory diseases including the COVID-19. Please click here to review.
In closing, the health, safety and well-being of our students and
staff are our top priorities. Remember, being prepared does not
correlate to increased concern, but not being prepared is simply
irresponsible and we will always err on the side of caution over
irresponsibility. Stay healthy South Brunswick!
Additional resources: Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Communities
Coronavirus Update Mar 3, 2020
Letter from Superintendent Scott Feder
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I am reaching
out to provide you with an update regarding the
Coronavirus and the district’s efforts to ensure the health and safety
of all students and staff in our buildings. The Novel Coronavirus is a
virus that can infect the respiratory tract and spread similarly to cold
viruses. Information to date suggests that COVID-19 causes
mild-to-moderate illness and symptoms like the flu, including fever,
cough, and difficulty breathing. At this time, the Center for Disease
Control (CDC) confirms that there have been no cases reported in New
Jersey. The CDC states that more cases of COVID-19 “are likely to be
identified in the coming days, including more cases in the United
States.” This letter is not to cause panic, but to share with you that
we are updating our plans which includes the preparation for remote
learning should it become necessary or directed by the State of New
The South Brunswick School District is working closely with county
and local agencies to monitor the situation and are in the process of
developing a coordinated and comprehensive public health plan to be
prepared if cases arise in our community. Earlier this week, we met
with the South Brunswick Office of Emergency Management (OEM) to discuss
actions that will be taken, if need be. Updated information will be
shared as it becomes available and please remember to go to our website
and click on the Coronavirus Link where updated information is posted from the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention as it becomes available.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), “While the immediate risk to this new virus to the
American public is believed to be low at this time, everyone can do
their part to help us respond to this emerging public health threat”.
As a best practice for overall health in cold and influenza season, the
CDC recommends the following to help prevent the spread of respiratory
diseases including the COVID-19.
● Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
● Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
● Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.
● Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue then throw the tissue in the trash.
● Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
● Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Here is what we have our custodial staff doing to help avoid the spread of germs:
● All schools are provided with an EPA registered Disinfectant to
effectively treat all touch points in all areas of the building.
● All schools are provided with a hydrogen peroxide-based all
surface cleaner to effectively clean light to heavily soiled and greasy
● Evening custodial staff at each building clean touch points
throughout the building and then apply disinfectant to eliminate
cross-contamination from treated surfaces.
● Custodial staff maintains an open line of communication with the
school nurse to identify areas of the building that require enhanced
cleaning based on the number of staff and students that have reported
● All HVAC units district-wide that require air filters are
routinely changed and serviced per an established Preventative
Maintenance Schedule.
● Hand Soap is checked and stocked for staff and students’ use each
day and readily available at each sink throughout the district.
● Hand sanitizer is checked and stocked in designated areas
throughout the district where there is not as sink readily available.
● GPS Air Cleaners have been installed in HVAC equipment throughout
the school district that are self-cleaning, bi-polar ionization
systems. This system cleans the outside air before moving through the
air filter.
● Restrooms are cleaned and disinfected each day using state of the art no-touch cleaning equipment
● Microfiber cleaning cloths are color-coded and used for custodial
cleaning to eliminate cross-contamination and produce effective
cleaning results.
● All busses in transportation are cleaned and disinfected on a
daily basis utilizing the same effective cleaning chemicals used in our
For more information visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention FAQ on Coronavirus website at
Please know that we are constantly in contact with the Health
Department, Department of Education, Police Department and CDC checking
daily for any updates. As soon as we receive any actionable direction,
you can rest assured we will get it out to our South Brunswick
Coronavirus Update Jan 24, 2020
Information on the Coronavirus
Due to the rising concern over the new coronavirus outbreak
that is currently centered in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, we
wanted to share with you information that was received from
the NJ Department of Health.
At this time, the NJ Department of Health has advised that there are no restrictions on any
person without symptoms, including individuals who have recently returned from China and
their contacts. If a person is asymptomatic, he/she may go to work and school.
If someone who recently traveled to Wuhan, China or has been in close contact with others
who recently traveled to Wuhan, China, has symptoms, he/she should call a healthcare
provider and inform them of the close contact with the coronavirus before going into a
healthcare provider's office.
Below are several links for reference.
NJ Department of Health Coronavirus Information for K-12 Schools
NJ Department of Health Coronavirus Fact Sheet
NJ Department of Health Cornona Virus Webpage
CDC Coronavirus Frequently Asked Questions
CDC Coronavirus Guidance for Prevention
WHO Coronavirus Information
The best way to prevent infection for the flu including the coronavirus include:
• Washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
• Avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth
• Avoiding close contact with people who are sick
• Staying home when sick and avoiding close contact with others
• Covering mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and throwing away tissues
• Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces